Results Highlight (Former MORI TRUST Hotel Reit, Inc.)

Click here for Results Highlight of MTR

Operating revenues / Operating income / Net income

(Millions of yen)

Distributions per unit


Total assets

(Millions of yen)

Interest-bearing debt / LTV

(Millions of yen) (%)

Net assets / Equity ratio

(Millions of yen) (%)
Unit 10th Fiscal Period
(Feb. 2021)
11th Fiscal Period
(Aug. 2021)
12th Fiscal Period
(Feb. 2022)
13th Fiscal Period
(Aug. 2022)
14th Fiscal Period
(Feb. 2023)
Operating revenues Millions of yen 1,214 2,110 1,423 2,053 1,730
Operating income Millions of yen 432 1,315 644 1,257 932
Ordinary income Millions of yen 326 1,207 531 1,145 710
Net income Millions of yen 325 1,206 530 1,144709
Distributions per unit Yen 651 2,412 1,061 2,289 1,419
Total assets Millions of yen 109,303 110,359 109,535 110,357 109,853
Interest-bearing debt/LTV Millions of yen 53,975 53,975 53,975 53,975 53,975
Net assets Millions of yen 50,325 51,206 50,530 51,144 50,709
Equity ratio % 46.0 46.4 46.1 46.3 46.1
Loan To Value(LTV) % 49.4 48.9 49.3 48.9 49.1